Canadian Payroll

Self Assessment Evaluation of your Canadian Payroll Knowledge


There are 1.30 million businesses that have about 16 million employees in Canada. The journey to becoming a Payroll Specialist is filled with opportunities for personal development, networking, and decent rewards, making it an appealing career path for those with a meticulous mind and a knack for numbers.
  • This quiz is intended as a self assessment to test your knowledge and areas of improvement. There are 10 questions MCQ’s (multiple choice questions)
  • Choose your answer to the question and click "Next" to see how you did.
  • Each correct answer will give you a point and you will be able to see your percentage scored at the end.

When you have completed the test, click 'See Result' to see your results. Good luck!

Self Evaluation of Your Canadian Payroll Knowledge

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1 / 10

A person who carries out a contract for service may be considered ,

2 / 10

Which of the following is not one of the factors that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) uses to distinguish a contract of service from a contract for service?

3 / 10

Which one of the following would be a taxable benefit?

4 / 10

The Pensionable and Insurable Earnings Review identifies remittance deficiencies of:

5 / 10

An arrangement whereby an individual agrees to work on a full-time or part-time basis for an organization for a specified or indeterminate period of time is:

6 / 10

In a contract of service (employee-employer relationship), the employer would generally

7 / 10

An organization is required to comply with:

8 / 10

Which of the following payments is not a taxable benefit to the employees?

9 / 10

An employee working in the telecommunication industry and living in Nova Scotia is subject to the labour/employment standards of which jurisdiction?

10 / 10

Individuals, groups and agencies who share an interest in the function and output of the payroll department, are referred to as:

Your score is


